Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More


Lookup Arrest Reports, Warrants and Jail Inmates in the City of Mounds View, Minnesota. Results Include: Arrests, Warrant Search, Mugshot, Type of Crime, Inmate, Warrant Number, Bond Amount, Public Records.

Mounds View, Minnesota Information

Mounds View, Minnesota has a population of 12,155. The mayor as of 2021 is Carol A. Mueller. Her phone number is 763.458.2719 and her email address is The city can be found in Ramsey County.

The crime index of Mounds View, as reported by a 2016 statistic, was 204.9. There has been 1 registered sex offender living in the city, with the residents-sex offender ratio at 12,926 to 1.

Mounds View, Minnesota Police Station Information

The overall Mounds View, MN crime rate is 40% higher than the Minnesota average and is 17% higher than the national average. Looking at violent crime specifically, Mounds View, MN has a violent crime rate that is 34% lower than the Minnesota average and 58% lower than the national average. For property crime, Mounds View, MN is 48% higher than the Minnesota average and 29% higher than the national average.

The Mounds View Police Department consists of 19 officers who hold all levels of educational achievements, including Associates, Bachelors and Masters Degrees. A Police Civil Service Commission of 3 members overseas personnel operations which include: recruiting, testing, and selecting candidates and certifying officers for promotions and appointments. The responsibilities of our police officers include responding to emergency and non-emergency calls for service, enforcement of traffic laws, investigating criminal activity, effecting arrests as prescribed by law, and many other daily activities which help keep the residents of Mounds View safe. We provide services in the areas of patrol operations, search and apprehension with K9 unit, investigations, crime prevention, school resource, animal control and code enforcement through a community service officer, evidence/records administration and police support.

Mounds View Police Department Address:

Nate Harder, Police Chief
2401 County Hwy 10,
St Paul, MN 55112

The Adult Detention Center (ADC) is a 500-bed pre-trial facility providing safe and secure detention services to individuals following their arrest until a court disposition is reached. The ADC also houses individuals being held for probation or parole violations. All public visitors are required to have a user account at User accounts are subject to approval by jail staff. Visitors will not be able to schedule visits until their request has been approved by jail staff. Once an individual receives approval of their user account they will have access to schedule both On-site and At-Home (remote) visits at this link. All visits must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance.

Mounds View, Minnesota Jail:

Contact Information
Address 1:2401 County Rd 10
City:Mounds View
Zip Code:55112-1429
County:Ramsey County
Phone #:763-717-4070
Fax #:763-784-9713
Additional Information
Type:Police Departments
Population Served:14288
Number of Officers:19

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Mounds View, Minnesota

The Online Warrant Search (OWS) is a web application designed to allow citizens, community members, crime victims and partner organizations to search and view public information regarding individuals who have an active arrest warrant. The OWS is intended to be used for informational and public safety purposes.Warrants are issued by the district court; the Sheriff’s Office does not issue warrants. The Sheriff’s Office processes arrest warrants as required by state statute and offers the OWS as a public service.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More