Golden Valley, Minnesota Police Station Information
The overall crime rate is 17% lower than the average of crimes committed in Minnesota. It is also 30% lower than the national average. When it comes to violent crimes, Golden Valley, MN shows a crime rate that is 69% lower than the Minnesota average. The crime rate is also 81% lower than the national average. When it comes to property crimes, Golden Valley, MN is shown to be 11% lower than the Minnesota average and 22% lower than the national average.
The Golden Valley Police Department (GVPD) provides law enforcement and progressive community service, including investigation of crimes, crime prevention, Patrol and prosecution of offenders. The department is made up of a number of divisions which include: Patrol Division, Investigations Division and Support Services (records, animal control, and crime analysis). In addition the Golden Valley Police Department is involved in many multi-jurisdictional enterprises, including a three-city Emergency Response Team and the six-city Northwest Metro Drug Task Force. In collaboration with the community the police department takes pride in delivering impartial and professional police services through community outreach, prevention education and criminal justice partnerships.
Golden Valley Police Department Address:
Jason Sturgis, Police Chief
7700 Golden Valley Rd
Golden Valley, MN 55427
Contact Information
Country: USA
Address 1: 7800 Golden Valley Rd
City: Golden Valley
State: MN
Zip Code: 55427-4508
County: Hennepin County
Phone #: 763-593-8079
Fax #: 763-593-8098
Additional Information
Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 20940
Number of Officers: 30
Open Records Request in Golden Valley, Minnesota
To request public records or a specific copy of a police report, please complete the Request for Information Form and return it to the GVPD or fax it to 763-593-8098. There will be a charge for copies of requested reports. Call 763-593-8079 for more information and fees.
County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Golden Valley, Minnesota
To find out how to take care of a warrant, call the sheriff’s office at 612-348-2000. You need a case or warrant number to receive information over the phone. If you don’t have a case or warrant number, have the full name and date of birth and call district court at 612-348-2040. If you aren’t sure if you have a warrant, or to turn yourself in on a warrant, visit the public safety facility. You’ll go through weapons screening.