Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More


Hopkins, Minnesota Information

Hopkins Minnesota has a population of 17,591. The mayor as of 2021 is JASON GADD. His phone number is 612-839-7030 and email address is The city can be found in Hennepin County.

The crime index of Hopkins, as reported by a 2016 statistic, was 186.9. There has been 1 registered sex offender living in the city, with the residents-sex offender ratio at 18,424 to 1. The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents in this city is smaller than the state average.

Hopkins, Minnesota Police Station Information

The overall crime rate is 2% lower than the average of crimes committed in Minnesota. It is also 18% lower than the national average. When it comes to violent crimes, Hopkins, MN shows a crime rate that is equal to the Minnesota average. The crime rate is also 37% lower than the national average. When it comes to property crimes, Hopkins, MN is shown to be 2% lower than the Minnesota average and 15% lower than the national average.

The Police Department is responsible for patrol, investigations, outreach and crime prevention in Hopkins. The department provides one investigator to the SW Hennepin Drug Task Force, a multi-jurisdictional unit that conducts investigations of illegal drug activity, and takes part in the Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT) team, a five-city consortium that trains and responds to high-risk events. It is also part of the Joint Community Police Partnership.

Hopkins Police Department Address:

Brent Johnson, Police Chief

1010 1st Street S

City Hall

Hopkins, MN 55343

Contact Information

Country: USA

Address 1: 1010 1st St S

City: Hopkins

State: MN

Zip Code: 55343-9475

County: Hennepin County

Phone #: 952-938-8885

Fax #: 952-939-1375

Additional Information

Type: Police Departments

Population Served: 18000

Number of Officers: 26

Open Records Request in Hopkins, Minnesota

Requests for specific reports must be made to the police records staff. Please fill out the Data Request Form Online or download the Data Request Form (PDF) and submit it to us via either of the following options: Email Police Records, Fax at 952-939-1375, In person at the Police Records Office.

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Hopkins, Minnesota

To find out how to take care of a warrant, call the sheriff’s office at 612-348-2000. You need a case or warrant number to receive information over the phone. If you don’t have a case or warrant number, have the full name and date of birth and call district court at 612-348-2040. If you aren’t sure if you have a warrant, or to turn yourself in on a warrant, visit the public safety facility. You’ll go through weapons screening.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More