Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More


Lookup Arrest Reports, Warrants and Jail Inmates in the City of Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Results Include: Arrests, Warrant Search, Mugshot, Type of Crime, Inmate, Warrant Number, Bond Amount, Public Records.

Eden Prairie, Minnesota Information

Eden Prairie Minnesota has a population of 60,797. The mayor as of 2021 is Ron Case who was elected as mayor since 2018. Her phone number is 952-949-8593 and email address is The city can be found in Hennepin County.

The crime index of Eden Prairie, as reported by a 2016 statistic, was 82.9. There has been 4 registered sex offenders living in the city, with the residents-sex offender ratio at 16,105 to 1. The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents in this city is smaller than the state average.

Eden Prairie, Minnesota Police Station Information

The overall Eden Prairie, MN crime rate is 50% lower than the Minnesota average and is 58% lower than the national average. Looking at violent crime specifically, Eden Prairie, MN has a violent crime rate that is 77% lower than the Minnesota average and 85% lower than the national average. For property crime, Eden Prairie, MN is 47% lower than the Minnesota average and 54% lower than the national average.

The Eden Prairie Police Department is committed to providing security to the city’s residents by building public trust in the department, exercising discretion and fairness in law enforcement and promoting the professional development of its members. The department is made up of a number of departments which include: Investigations Division (Criminal Investigations, Liaison Unit, Special Investigations, Law Enforcement Analyst, Explorer Unit, Domestic Abuse Response Team) Patrol Division (Patrol Response, Traffic Unit, K-9, Reserve Unit, Special Weapons and Tactics, Crisis Intervention Team), Support Division (Telecommunications, Records, Professional Development, Code Enforcement, Animal Control, Support Operations, Crime Scene Unit, Licensing, Airport Unit, Chaplains).

Eden Prairie Police Department Address:

Matt Sackett, Police Chief

8080 Mitchell Rd,

MN 55344

The Adult Corrections Facility provides short-term (up to one year) custody and programming for adult offenders convicted of felony, gross misdemeanor, and misdemeanor offenses. The facility has a capacity of 477 — 399 beds in the men’s section and 78 beds in the women’s.

Contact Information

Country: USA

Address 1: 8080 Mitchell Rd

City: Eden Prairie

State: MN

Zip Code: 55344-2203

County: Hennepin County

Phone #: 952-949-6200

Fax #: 952-949-6203

Additional Information

Type: Police Departments

Population Served: 56000

Number of Officers: 60

Open Records Request in Eden Prairie, Minnesota

To obtain a copy of an Eden Prairie police report, print a copy of the Document Request Form and submit the completed form to: Records Unit, Eden Prairie Police Department, 8080 Mitchell Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-2299. You may also submit a written request in the form of a letter to the above address. Please include as much information as possible in the request; i.e., case number, date and time reported and nature and location of incident.

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Eden Prairie, Minnesota

To find out how to take care of a warrant, call the sheriff’s office at 612-348-2000. You need a case or warrant number to receive information over the phone. If you don’t have a case or warrant number, have the full name and date of birth and call district court at 612-348-2040. If you aren’t sure if you have a warrant, or to turn yourself in on a warrant, visit the public safety facility. You’ll go through weapons screening.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More